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The Sweet Relief of Finally Getting It Done

Amity Whalen

Have you ever had that nagging task hanging out in the back of your mind, the one you've been avoiding for what feels like eternity?

Isn't it crazy how we DREAD the said task and build up elaborate scenarios about anything and the everything that could possibly go wrong? And…. then, we put it off for even longer.  Our minds have a crafty way of weaving narratives filled with potential pain or awkwardness, all while the actual task might be far simpler. Whether it’s a long-overdue medical check-up or reaching out to someone you’ve been avoiding, the truth is, these tasks are often not as daunting as we imagine.

Well- today was my day.  After almost 2 years- I FINALLY made it back to the dentist.

On my way there, my inner voice was busy listing all the potential horrors that might unfold - from lectures about flossing to the dread of finding out I had multiple cavities- the news that I probably need an implant for the tooth I broke when I was living in IL.  I did  get it “quick fixed” but never went back to get it completely fixed…. You are shocked, I know.  🙈

BUT,  when I sat in that chair, the experience turned out to be not only manageable but almost  refreshing. The hygienist made me feel super comfortable.  She told me I was doing a great job at home with my brushing and flossing (I do floss😊) .  She took x-rays and told me that we’d figure out what we’d have to do with the broken tooth- but that everything else looked pretty good!   WHAT?!?!

Such a relief.  Why was I so worried?

Then, the dentist came in.  No judgment- well- no OUTWARD judgment anyway.  He told me- no implant needed!!   We could fix it with a new post, build up  and a crown.  WHAT?!?!  Such a relief!  Again- why was I so worried?  I  have literally procrastinated this visit because I was so afraid of moving forward - because I didn’t know what FORWARD meant.  Fear of the unknown,  for sure.   And, all to learn- it’s NOT THAT BAD!

So, to anyone out there dreading a similar task, remember this: the story in our head is often not our reality. Whether it’s a medical appointment, confronting that unfinished project, or having a heartfelt conversation, taking the first step might surprise you with its simplicity and the sense of accomplishment it brings.

Let’s challenge ourselves to face these tasks head-on, dismantling the stories in our minds and basking in the relief and freedom that come with checking them off our list. The next time you feel the weight of procrastination, remind yourself that the monster under the bed often isn’t there at all—or at least, it’s a lot smaller than you think.

With love from my core,


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