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Procrastination- The Silent Dream Killer

Amity Whalen

It’s crazy to me just how many people are stuck, paralyzed by procrastination.  Trust me, you're not alone.  I often find myself putting things off when I know I shouldn’t!

We've all been there—sitting on our couches, binge-watching another season of our favorite show (I don’t watch a lot of TV but I just watched the entire first season of SECRET LIVES OF MORMON WIVES) 🙈 while that important task looms over our heads. Procrastination is a sneaky little hurdle that seems to trip up everyone, at least once in a while.

But here's the funny thing: we often procrastinate because we're scared of the unknown. We think, "What if it doesn’t turn out the way I want?" or "I need a perfect plan before I start."

The truth is, we don’t have to know the end result of what we're doing in order to get started.


It took me many years to discover that life is more about the journey, not just the destination. If we waited for all the variables to be perfect before we started something, we’d probably never accomplish a single thing!

So, what's the cure for procrastination?  It’s actually quite simple:

JUST TAKE ONE STEP FORWARD. Even the smallest step or action can break the spell. Whether it's writing the first of many thank you notes, sending that important email that puts something into motion, putting that first load of laundry into the washer, or even just making a to-do list. Action creates momentum, momentum creates progress, and before you know it, you’ll be moving along like a well-oiled machine and getting $h!t done!!

Remember, tackling procrastination isn’t about making giant leaps; it's about tiny steps in the right direction. So next time you catch yourself stuck in the procrastination trap, take a deep breath and just do the first small thing you can think of. You’ll be amazed that that first step can lead you right to your wildest dreams.

Now, get to stepping…. I will too.

With Love from my Core,

Amity ❤️

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